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Beceiro Strategies is a limited liability company which provides consulting services for clean energy infrastructure planning and project development. We specialize in technology innovation and facilitation of introductions to industry, university, and government contacts in Texas and beyond.

We utilize our broad industry relationships and extensive network of clean technology solution providers to help build new business opportunities for our clients. Our locations in Austin and Houston provide close access to the global energy industry, state agencies and leadership, as well as the booming clean energy ecosystem. Texas’ rapidly growing economy and complex energy market make for an ideal environment to deploy clean energy technologies. 

Current clients include solar and wind energy developers, energy storage manufacturers, smart window technology companies, smart grid management providers, LNG operators, chambers of commerce, municipalities, universities, utilities, and real estate firms.

Beceiro Strategies is proud to be at the forefront of clean energy innovation. Our goal is to ensure that our clients maximize their clean energy relationships for successful pursuit and deployment of projects.